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Yemhi Memorial College,Dimapur has organised its 4th Annual freshers day programme on 12th August ’17 at 10:00 am in the college conference hall. Prof. H.N.Dutta, vice-chancellor, the global Open University, Nagaland was the chief guest. The chief guest exhorted the students to inculcate the habit of patriotism and to move hand in hand with the society to uplift the state. He stressed on the need to nurture and develop the region so as to protect our traditional system. He encourages the students to utilise open online education provided by the government and best use of it for individual development. He emphasis the need to be focus in pursuing dreams and to be resolute in competing. He also stressed the need to be positive and to inculcate positive mindset and lifestyle. He concluded the speech by wishing the institutions a great success.

            Initially, the freshers were welcomed by the president, YMCSU, Mr.Ashiho Swu in his welcome address. The principal of the college Mr. Makhan Chetia also exhorted the freshers not to be complacent but to make the best use of their time in the college. During the second session of the program, miss Bamhaile Doson was adjusted as Miss Fresher and Limasangwa as the Mr. Fresher,YMC, 2017.

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