Launching of College Website and Skill Development Courses

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The programme started at 9:40 A.M. with the chairperson Dr. Vitokali, Asst. Professor, Department of Sociology reading out the order of the programme. It was followed by invocation prayer pronounced by Mr. Zioto, Asst. Professor, Department of Political Science. Welcome speech was addressed by Ms. Amongla Imsong, Asst. Professor, Department of English. The Evangelical Union YMC presented a special song. We had in our midst, Principal of Pranbananda Women’s College, Principal of Unity College, Principal of Immanuel College besides media officials from local dailies.

The Principal of YMC Mr. Makhan Chetia began his speech with acknowledgment of the invitees from different colleges/ media officials. He stressed on the importance of having a website and Skill Development programmes and pointed on some valid reasons as to how websites help in the admission procedure of the college, gather necessary information about the college while choosing career, declaration of results becoming easier along with downloading of academic needs. The principal also emphasised on Skill Development through different vocational courses that will provide better opportunities to the rising generation. He concluded his speech with a note of thanks to Shri. Joshua Achumi, Chairman, Managing Board YMC, who initiated the task of Skill Development Programme in YMC.

The Chairman, Managing Board YMC in his speech gave a brief introduction about the college being in its nascent stage of completing just 2 years in June this year with so much to be done in the area of progress. The institution which was established in the memory of late Rev. Yemhi is not for profit purpose but the desire to acquaint the students with the information and technology. Hence, the urgent need he felt the college should have is to equip the young generation to be technology friendly which will no doubt aid then in their future prospect. He also hoped that the website will keep the parents informed about their wards through the various plans and strategies that the website will open up. He also pointe out the need for the Nagas to come out of the comfort zone and adjust with the changing times. He felt that the skill development courses which may be in rudimentary stage at the moment may help students go for specialised course after graduation. As the college starts with cooking classes, there will be management programmes too in the near future. Thus, two Saturdays every month may be allotted for such activities. The Chairman exhorted the students to develop keen interest so that the money, time and efforts that the institution has put will not go wasted. He concluded on a positive note of hope that the students would make good use of the opportunities. The cooperation of the teaching faculty was also appreciated for their total devotion to the programme. He declared the website and skill development courses open at 10:45 A.M.

Mr. Toyeto Chishi, Asst. Professor, Department of Sociology gave a brief demonstration of the College website and he thanked the website developer for making the college website not just desktop but also mobile & tab friendly which will make easier for those who browse the website using mobile or tab. He also informed that the college website can be accessed through the address

The demonstration of cooking class began at 11:00 A.M. by the Cooking Instructor, YMC Ms. Livi Zhimomi, the proprietor of Apron String.

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