Parting Social 2019

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Yemhi Memorial College, Dimapur observed its 4th Parting social on 27th March, 2019 at the college premises. Mr. Akho Punyu, Pastor, Word to the World Church, Dimapur, offered the dedicatory prayer for the outgoing students. Mr. Makhan Chetia, Principal exhorted the students. Addressing the students, he stressed upon the importance of hard work, sincerity and dedication to achieve one’s goals in life. Mr. Toyeto Chishi, Asst. Prof. Department of Sociology spoke on behalf of the teachers and speech on behalf of the outgoing students was delivered by Mr. Anguvi A. Aye, BA 6th Semester.

The other highlights of the programme included welcome speech by Mr. L. Hotoyi Sumi, President YMCSC, farewell song by BA 2nd Semester students and a Special presentation for the outgoing students by Mr. Sontin Singson. A vote of thanks was conveyed by Mr. Daniel Yeptho, General Secretary, YMCSC. The programme was chaired by Mr, Orenvungo Bendang Ao, BA 4th Semester.

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