Dr. Kaba Daniel (MA Political Science, PhD. NET)

- A young energetic scholar with a rich experience in the field of research and related works. He completed his Masters in Political Science and was awarded PhD. from North-Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya. He joined Yemhi Memorial College on 7th January 2020. Some of the distinctions he had achieved in his life are listed as below:
- A NEHU Non-Net fellow [Ref: No.F.24-25/DSW/2014/949), dated Shillong, the 31st March, 2015-20th September, 2015]
- An ICSSR (open category) fellow by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi [ICSSR Ref: F.No.8-50/OD/2012-2013/Fel, dated December, 2013 to 2015]
- Project Investigator, “Survey cum National Seminar under Public Distribution System” organized by Prof. B.J Deb and Dr. Debarma, Department of Political Science, NEHU, Shillong, 2001.
- Head of the Department (HOD) in the Department of Political Science, Don Bosco College, Maram, Manipur Accredited by NAAC with B Grade with a CGPA of 2.49, from July 2003 to 2004 and 2008 to 2009.
- Teaching in the Department of Political Science, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama, Nagaland from 16th August 2013 to 31st October, 2013.
- Teaching Post Graduate (P.G) in the Department of Political Science, St. Peter’s College, Shillong, Meghalaya from 12th August 2014 to 29th April, 2016.
- Teaching in the Department of Political Science, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama, Nagaland from 07th September 2018 to 31st December, 2019.
- Research books
- Politics of Ethnic Boundary Making and Maintenance: The Poumai Nagas of Northeast India, ISBN: 81-8324-955-8, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 2019.
- “Ethno-Cultural Identity and Boundaries Maintenance in Northeast India” in Joy Thomas SVD and George Keduolhou Angami (ed.) India’s Northeast: A Celebration of Cultures, ISBN: 978-93-88945-00-4, Delhi, 2019, pp. 89-104.
- “The Origin Evolution of Political History of Pan-Naga Ethnic Identity Formation: The Persistence Politics Process, Issues and Challenges” in Guptajit Pathak (ed.) North-East India: The Paradigm of Historical, Socio-Economic and Cultural Interaction, ISBN 978-81-7139-617-7, Jnanada Prakashan (P & D), New Delhi, India, 2014, pp. 122 – 146.
Research Articles
- “Politics of Material Culture as a Marker of the Poumai Naga Tribal Boundary In Northeast India” in Anthropology Today An International Peer Reviewed North East Institute For Research In Anthropology (NEIRA), ISSN 2454-2709, Vol.3, April, 2018, pp. 34-51.
- “Megalithic Culture as a Symbolical Boundary of Pan-Naga Ethnic Community: A Study of Shepoumaramth in Manipur North-East India”, Radix International Journal of Research in Social Science, ISSN 2250 – 3994, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May, 2014, pp.61-70.
- “India’s Hegemony Politics toward Pan-Naga Ethnic Community: The Continuity of Boundary Maintenance, Issues and Challenges”, International Multidisciplinary e-Journal ISSN 2277 – 4262, Vol-III, Issue-III, March, 2014, pp. 142 – 157.
- “Ethnicity and Nationalism: The Emergence of Class Consciousness of pan-Naga Ethnic Community and Nationality Question as an Ethnic Boundary Marker in North-East India”, The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, ISSN 2321 – 9203, Vol.2, Issue 3, March, 2014, pp. 68 -77.
- “Politics of Tribal Boundary: Khonü-Ralya (Feasts and Festivals) the Essence Primordial Tribal Boundary of Poumai Naga Tribe in the North-East India”, Indian Journal of Social Sciences Research, ISSN 2277 – 2227, January-March Vol.2, Issue No.1, 2013, pp. 39 – 45.
- “Politics of Nationalism: Insider’s Views of pan-Naga Ethnic Community’s Nationality Question in Ethnic Boundary”, International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, ISSN 2278-7763, 2, Issue No.7, July, 2013, pp. 135 – 160.
- “The Traditional Culture and Politics of Tribal Boundary Markers: The Poumai Naga in North-East India”, Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities ISSN 2278 – 859X, Vol.1, Issue 16, October, 2013, pp. 145 – 164.
- A joint article, “Discourse of Tradition and Modernity among the Paite”, in Amrendra Kumar Thakur (ed.) Proceedings of North East History Association, XXXII Session Tripura University, Agartala, Modern Offset, Wahthapbroo, Shillong, 2011, pp. 559 – 564.